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About Us : Constitution of Qatar TESOL

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Article 1: Name, Purpose, Organization Status, and General Statements

Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be Qatar Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages or Qatar TESOL.

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be:

  1. to establish a network of teachers, supervisors and researchers who are committed to improving teaching in English as a Foreign or Second Language in Qatar and / or inthe region;
  2. to work co-operatively toward the improvement of instruction in all programs which seek to provide students with an opportunity to acquire English language skills and proficiency, whether they be carried out in monolingual or bilingual modes of instruction;
  3. to provide training, workshops, and seminars on a wide range of ideas and issues in English teaching;
  4. to disseminate information about the latest methods, approaches and research in the field;
  5. to encourage use of new developments in the field of educational technologies;
  6. to disseminate information relevant to the organization;
  7. to share information about ESL and EFL events in the region;
  8. to encourage professional development, participation, and leadership;
  9. to provide opportunity for study and research;
  10. to co-ordinate information with other regional and international professional organizations;
  11. to promote empathy, respect, and understanding for the Arabic cultures and language, particularly in their respective relationships to the learning of English.

Section 3: Organization Status

Qatar TESOL is a non-profit organization, exclusively for the purposes of education.

Section 4: General Statement of Organization Relationships

Qatar TESOL has no special relationship with any other organization, and the policies and procedures are its own. However, Qatar TESOL may co-operate with other organizations concerned with English language teaching. A Qatar TESOL representative shall make no commitments binding the group he/she represents. All monies of the organization shall only be disbursed in the support of the purposes of this organization for his or her private gain. Monies may be disbursed only with the approval of the Executive Board (Governing Body).


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Article 2: Membership

Section 1: Membership Eligibility

Any person involved in or interested in the profession of English Language Teaching can be members of Qatar TESOL. A fee shall be levied for membership and advertised in the Qatar TESOL newsletter and website.

Section 2: Membership Categories

a. Professional
b. Student

Section 3: Becoming a Member

Any person who meets the requirements of membership eligibility as stated in Section 1 becomes a member.

Section 4: Member in Good Standing

A member shall be deemed in good standing when the member has paid all applicable dues and fees. Duly recorded members in good standing shall be entitled to participate in the activities of Qatar TESOL. Any member who fails to pay all applicable dues and fees can be removed from the rolls fo Qatar TESOL by the Executive Board.


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Article 3: Dues, Fees, Assessments

Section 1: Membership Dues

Qatar TESOL members shall pay membership fees which are determined by the Executive Board and published in the Qatar TESOL newsletter and website.

Section 2: Increase in Dues

Dues increases of up to 10% shall become effective persuant only to the approval by a quorum of the Executive Board. Dues increases of more than 10% shall become effective pursuant to approval by a membership quorum which is more than 50% of the Qatar TESOL members present at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


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Article 4: Executive Board

Section 1: Duties and Powers

  1. The Executive Board shall constitute the governing body of Qatar TESOL. The Executive Board shall plan for and have responsibility for all operations: finances, policies, membership affairs, affiliations, and meetings. It shall, in the execution of its powers, appoint respresentatives, as it may consider necessary.
  2. The quorum is more than 50% of the Executive Board.
  3. All proposals and motions shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 2: Type and Number

  1. The Executive Board shall consist of ten principal officers.
  2. Six officers are elected: President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Membership Director, Public Relations Director, and Executive Treasurer.
  3. Four officers are appointed by the Executive Board: Publications Chair, Newsletter Editor, Conference Chair, and Webpage Editor.

Section 3: Terms of Officers

  1. Elected length of term: all elected officers shall serve for two (2) years from the date of the election. Any officer may be re-elected.
  2. Appointed length of term: all appointed officers shall serve for one (1) year from the date of the appointment or the completion of his/her duties as specified by the Executive Board. Any officer may be re-appointed.

Section 4: Qualifications

Any member in good standing in Qatar TESOL may be nominated by another member in good standing or may be self-nominated or appointed by the Executive Board for a position on the Executive Board.

Section 5: Elections

  1. Members shall elect officers to vacant Executive Board positions every two (2) years. In odd numbered years, these positions shall stand election: President, Executive Treasurer, and Public Relations Director. In even numbered years, these positions shall stand election: Vice President, Executive Secretary, and Membership Director.
  2. Elections shall take place online on the Qatar TESOL website.
  3. The nominations Committee shall post the candidates for the open positions on the Qatar TESOL webiste (Artice 5, Section 1).
  4. In the event of a contested position, the Elections Committee shall be established. The Elections Committee shall count the ballots (Article 5, Section 2).
  5. Officers, inclusive of both elected and appointed, may be removed from office for failure to perform their duties by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 6: Vacancies

All vacancies shall be filled with an officer appointed by the Executive Board to fill the position as an "acting officer" only until the current term has been completed or until such time as an election can be held.

Article 5: Committees and Interest Sections

Section 1: Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee shall be composed of the Vice-President (chair), the Webpage Editor, and the Membership Secretary.

Section 2: Elections Committee

The Elections Committee shall be composed of the Webmaster and two ordinary members.

Section 3: Standing Committee and Special Committees

The Executive Board may establish (a) standing committees, (b) special committees or (c) task forces for specific, non-enduring tasks as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the organization.

Section 4: Interest Sections

The Executive Board shall establish Interest Sections as determined by the need and demand of the membership.


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Article 6: Meetings

Section 1: Types of Meetings

Qatar TESOL shall have General Meetings and Executive Board Meetings. One General Meeting must be held at the Annual Conference and shall be called the Annual General Meeting.

Section 2: Quorum at the General Meetings

More than 50% of Qatar TESOL members shall consitute a quorum of the General Meetings.

Section 3: Voting at the General Meetings

All motions and decisions shall be passed and approved by a simple majority vote of those present at the General Meetings.

Section 4: Quorum at the Executive Board Meetings

The quorum is more than 50% of the Executive Board (as stated in Article 4, Section 1).

Section 5: Voting at the Executive Board Meetings

All proposals and motions shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board (as stated in Article 4, Section 1).


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Article 7: Financial Matters

Section 1: Payment for Services

Qatar TESOL shall not provide monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to its directors or membership except as payment for services rendered in the form of wages, salaries, or incentives.


Article 8: Dissolution

On dissolution of Qatar TESOL, Qatar TESOL shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in the Bylaws. No part of said funds, after payment of debts of Qatar TESOL, shall be distributed to the members of Qatar TESOL. On dissolution of Qatar TESOL, any funds remaining after payment of debts of Qatar TESOL shall be distributed to one one or more regularly organized and qualified educational organizations as selected by the Executive Board.


Article 9: Amendments

Section 1: Procedure for Proposing an Amendment

  1. Any Qatar TESOL member in good standing may propose an amendment to the Executive Board for review at least six (6) months before the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The Executive Board must inform the membership of the upcoming vote at least three (3) months before the vote through the newsletter and the website.

Section 2: Procedure for Approving an Amendment

  1. Any amendment shall be approved by more than two-thirds (2/3) of the Qatar TESOL members present at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The quorum is more than 50% of the Qatar TESOL members present at the AGM.
  3. Amendments passed at the Annual General Meeting shall take effect immediately.


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